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Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI)

Alay Buhay Community Development Foundation, Inc. is working closely with the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) to combat tuberculosis (TB) in the Philippines, solidified by a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). The MOA signifies a shared commitment to improving public health and empowering vulnerable communities.


Alay Buhay will leverage its expertise in community health to focus on several key areas:

  • Finding Those Most at Risk: We'll work with the PCCI SDG Committee and PCCI North Luzon to identify individuals most susceptible to TB, particularly those in the informal sector.

  • Early Detection Saves Lives: Through free TB screenings and X-ray services, we'll identify potential cases early on, allowing for prompt and effective treatment. Early detection is crucial to prevent the spread of TB.

  • Beyond Treatment: Building a Brighter Future: Alay Buhay goes beyond just healthcare. We'll provide comprehensive support for TB patients, including:

    • Livelihood Training: Equipping individuals with valuable skills to secure income-generating activities after completing treatment.

    • Mentorship: Offering ongoing guidance and support to navigate challenges and ensure successful reintegration into the workforce.

    • Microfinance: Providing access to financial resources to help individuals establish or expand micro-businesses, fostering long-term stability and financial independence.


This collaboration reflects Alay Buhay's and PCCI's shared vision of a healthier and more empowered Philippines. By working together, we can make significant strides in eradicating TB, promoting economic opportunities, and building stronger communities.

Cooperative Development Authority Region III

Last August 1, Alay Buhay has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) Region III to strengthen the fight against tuberculosis (TB) in the Philippines. This collaboration aims to support the National TB Control Program of the Department of Health (DOH) and aligns with the Cooperative Development Authority's (CDA) objectives.


The key focus areas are as follows:

  • Free TB Screenings: Offering free chest X-rays to vulnerable populations and informal workers within cooperative communities in Region III.

  • Promoting a Healthy Workforce: Creating healthier and more productive work environments for cooperative members.

  • Empowering TB Survivors: Providing pathways for TB survivors to access support and reintegrate into the workforce, contributing to the overall well-being of cooperative communities.


By working closely with CDA, Alay Buhay aims to improve the health and economic prospects of their members. This partnership is a significant step towards eradicating TB in Region III and fostering sustainable development within cooperative communities.

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